Coronavirus Symptoms and Self-isolation Guides
Please follow the links below to download guides recommended by Cambridgeshire Local Authority.
Flow Chart Guide for Parents/Carers
Self-isolation guidance January 2022
Guidance for Households with Possible or Confirmed Cases
Public Health England advice:
Covid 19 Safety Measures
Please follow the links below for Covid-19 Safety Measures Parent/Carer Expectations and also the Pupil Expectations posters that have been revised due to new guidelines and displayed at school.
Parent/Carer Summary September 2021
DEMAT Risk Assessment - updated December 2021
CCC Parent Covid Letter Autumn 2021
Outbreak Management Plan September 2021
Online Safety
Please refer to the guidance on staying safe online at There are also additional guides to staying safe online on our E-safety Information page.
Mental Health and Emotional Well-being
4 Powerful Ways to Reduce Back-to-School Anxiety
There are multiple websites and helplines which parents and pupils can access which are attched below.
- UK Safer Internet Centre guidance for what to do when all is not well online
- Let’s talk about life online (UK Safer Internet Centre) pamphlet
- Public Health England Guidance for Parents & Carers on supporting children and young people with mental health
Samaritans website:
Domestic Abuse
In these challenging times for all, those at risk or living with domestic abuse are particularly vulnerable. There is also attached the COVID-19 National Domestic Abuse Guidance or you can follow these links: