The Swaffhams Partnership

Policies set out the rationale and procedures for the management and leadership of the school, the children’s learning and health and safety. They reflect our school philosophy. The Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust (DEMAT), staff and the Governing Body regularly review all policies. Overall responsibility of the implementation lies with the Head teacher, although subject co-ordinators lead reviews and curriculum monitoring.

Policies are available for parents to see and we have included the most relevant on the website. Paper copies can be requested free of charge from the school offices or by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All DEMAT schools are required to use the following policies which have been adopted and approved by our Local Governing Body. 

We want all children to learn within a safe, and peaceful community. Through broad and balanced experiences, we inspire wonder, encourage perseverance and individual growth. Our Christian values underpin our peaceful school where we work in partnership with families to nurture the whole child and instil compassion towards others providing a basis for a hopeful future.




Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2022-23

Health and Safetyhild Protection and Safeguarding 

Data Protection


Human Resources



Accessibility Plan 2019-2022

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance Policy 

Attendance Policy A Guide For Parents

DEMAT Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Policy 

Draft Charging and Remissions Policy

Children Missing in Education Policy

Children Not Collected At The End Of The School Day Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Complaint Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Equality Statement

Evacuation Policy 

Exclusion Policy

Head Lice Guidance

Health And Safety Policy

Health And Safety Policy Statement

Induction Policy for staff

Draft Intimate Care Policy 2022

Draft Invacuation Policy

Relationship and Sex Education Policy 

Religious Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Safeguarding And Child Protection Policy Statement 2016

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy 2022-23

Safer Employment Policy

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Policy      

Well-being Policy                                             

For all GDPR policies, including Privacy Notices, please use the following link:


Download this file (DEMAT SEND policy 2022-23.pdf)DEMAT Special Educational Needs Policy[SEND Policy]374 kB